Allwater: New Beauty
The New Beauty is a my favorite small wave board for tearing waves apart. The one I ride is 7’2″ x 28″. This is my favorite for waves under head high. The V3-Concave makes the board more stable while standing and very maneuverable while riding. For me, it was a giant breakthrough in performance and paddle-ability in a SUP that rides small waves like a short surfboard. I have a lot of customers that really like bigger ones, 7’10” to 8’6”. We widen them up to be super stable and yet really maneuverable.
The New Beauty borrows its lines from the Brother Ray but features a double wing round pintail that allows for engaging the more critical parts of the wave to gain speed and do radical maneuvers.
It offers people a chance to step up their game into more radical carving maneuvers than ever before especially in smaller waves. Talk to me about your custom dimensions to perfectly fit where and how you surf.
Custom starting at $2,000 / Carbon Inegra $2,500

Performance Feedback
Ride this board 1-3 feet taller than you. We can adjust width and volume to meet your specific needs.
Rails: Medium Full
Bottom: V3-Concave
Rocker: Gradual Entry to Accelerated Tail Rocker
Suggested Dimensions
6’11” x 27.” x 3.9″ (82.3L)
7’2″ x 28″ x 4.10″ (93.1L)
7’8″ x 30.” x 4.56″ (119.2L)
8’0″ x 31.50″ x 4.62″ (128.6L)